
Showing posts from May, 2012

Shel St Clair artist

Shel St Clair artist

NATO Protests

Okay… So I live in Chicago, therefore everyone I know was in some way been immediately affected by the recent NATO conference.  I watched the news, I watched video uploads.  Sigh… Thank God for the police.  Here are a couple of thoughts for you, what would you do if there were no police or military?  Really?  No. I’m not kidding, what would you do? Alright, you hate NATO.  Remember it was formed in hope of it being a peace keeping organization?  If it were disbanded because it is a “war monger” what would the ensuing political ramifications be?  Ever read  Lord of the Flies ?  Individual reaction and societal reaction to disorder and lack of authority are very similar.  Well they are different in this way.  Countries are larger and individuals usually don’t have nuclear arms.  So, no NATO,… okay, who do the countries of this world answer to?