Supreme Court set to rule on health care reform

Supreme Court set to rule on health care reform

This is the title of an article on CBS News this morning.  who would have thought that when Obama took office that right before his second political campaign for the Presidency the U.S. Supreme court would be ruling on a maverick act that his administration will be judged by.  Obama, the feel good President.  I always find a comparison between him and previous Presidents interesting.  Ronald Regan for instance was a true celebrity, talented, driven, a personality, heart, and intellect that were larger than life and instantly drew people to him.  Regan could be right or wrong but either way you knew he was truly great.  Not so with Obama, he seeks the part of celebrity alright, in the same tacky way that Paris Hilton did, using the office of President to promote a type of individual popularity that is strikingly Junior High.  Reagan said a few golden things that will last in history as the earth changing cries of a society that demanded that the world become a better place.  Obama has filled the earth with meaningless rhetoric that promises change and delivers chaos and confusion.  Never has a president said so little with so many words.  I am from Texas where tall story telling is a highly developed folk art form, so when I listen to Obama I naturally distill his words into their crystalized form.  There is no salt.  No, Mr. Obama forms speech from different matter than the minerals that make up the earth; his words are like the siren song that floats purely in the air but leads to disaster for all who follow.
So we will see what happens in this ruling, for what my opinion is worth Obama is a socialist.  I did not have a great appreciation for Clinton but I never doubted his love of America.  Whatever Clintons failings were I never felt that he treated the office of The United States President with a cheapness that promises “Dinner with Obama for a few Lucky Winners” on internet banners.  No, Clinton may be a flawed man but he was an American and he carried himself with pride despite those flaws.  Obama seems to crawl, clawing for votes from those who are not old enough or experienced enough to grasp the meaning, or lack thereof, behind what he says.  Whether this ruling genuinely affects what happens in November it will determine in history the opinion of this term in office.  Four years of American history spent trying to subversively shift the opinion of the American people from the individual freedom that joins us together in the greatness of democracy to socialism.  What a waste of breath.
I have included the article and a link.
Supreme Court health care ruling expected
In this March 25, 2012, file photo, people visit the Supreme Court in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
(CBS News) The stakes could hardly be higher as the Supreme Court is set to rule on President Obama's health care law Thursday.
The legal challenge highlights two fundamentally different views of the role of government. The decision will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans and could also help decide the November presidential election.
Jan Crawford reports from outside the Supreme Court that what's at stake in the decision is the fate of the requirement that nearly all Americans, from birth until death, must have health insurance or pay a penalty - the so-called "individual mandate."
CBS News and will have special live coverage when the Supreme Court hands down its ruling, which is expected shortly after 10 a.m. Eastern.
If the court strikes down the mandate, then it has to figure out what to do with the rest of the massive, 2,700-page law.
Norah O'Donnell reports from the White House that the president's advisers expressed confidence Thursday morning. Mr. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are expected to be together in the Oval Office when the court hands down its ruling. The president is expected to address the nation after the court rules.
Regardless of what the justices decide, the decision is expected to have significant political ramifications. This is the president's signature piece of legislation from his first term.
The president has argued that the law provides millions of Americans with consumer protections, such as providing access to preventative care and preventing insurance companies from discriminating against those with pre-existing conditions.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Mr. Obama's Republican opponent in the presidential race, has said he will repeal whatever remains of the health care reform law on the first day of his administration should he be elected president.
On Capitol Hill, Nancy Cordes reports Democrats and Republicans have been honing their messages for weeks on how to respond to the court upholding the law or striking it down. All of the more than 200 House Republicans will go into a closed-door meeting once the decision comes down to pore over it and discuss exactly how they want to react to it.
One thing neither side is doing is crafting legislation to replace the law if some or all of it gets struck down. That's because Democrats continue to insist that it will be upheld and because Republicans say they want to move slowly and won't introduce any new legislation until after the November elections. 


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